For cause and effect research, here are a few tips:
If topic is an argumentative issue try Research Databases by Subject > Issues/Controversies and use Points of View Reference Center and Gale Opposing Viewpoints. Credo Reference contains ALL reference books and is great for overview articles on topics (contains some issues and controversies titles among many others).
If using QuickSearch, after your initial search it helps to filter (on the left) by date, source type, and geography (select U.S. to weed out all the international if preferred). Because QuickSearch is searching so many databases it is best to limit your search selecting All Filters.
Databases that contain a lot of journals (if scholarly material is desired) also have filters for date, source type, etc. (example: those listed under Academic/Multidisciplinary and others).
For a health topic, Gale Health and Wellness database is user friendly.